Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP) utilizes the healing power of isolated platelets from the individual’s own blood to aid in the regenerative process of their body’s soft tissues and bones. Based on an innate wound-healing ability using your own platelets to help restore tissue naturally, the therapy is performed by injecting components collected from the blood. Substances known as growth factors within the platelets activate and rejuvenate cells in the body.
Wound healing greatly depends on the body’s platelets as they provide initial Hemostasis and release mediators to help modulate the inflammatory response and many of the cellular functions involved in healing of a wound.. Growth factors are proteins that impart particular biochemical messages to specific target cells through precise membrane receptors. Growth factors possess paracrine related properties, which are stimulatory for mitogenic activities, cellular differentiation, protein transcription, chemotaxis, angiogenesis, and collagenase activities.